Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Demystifying Reiki and other Energetic Modalities

I was compelled to write this article due to a certain confusion brought to my attention about what Reiki and other holistic treatments really are.

Reiki is not witchcraft, nor as some religious groups have tried to classify Reiki and other healing modalities as channeling demonic energy.

I myself, as a Christian Holistic Practitioner have been able to help many people with serious health issues over the course of 30 years. Most ortunity to follow more closely the teachings of Jesus healing the sick. Mark 16:17-18 “Those who believe they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover”. Acts 19 verse 11 “And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul” The Apostle Paul was used to lay hands on the sick as Jesus did.

I was compelled to write this article due to a certain confusion brought to my attention about what Reiki and other holistic treatments really are.

Reiki is not witchcraft, nor as some religious groups have tried to classify Reiki and other healing modalities as channeling demonic energy.

I myself, as a Christian Holistic Practitioner have been able to help many people with serious health issues over the course of 30 years. Most see this as an opportunity to follow more closely the teachings of Jesus healing the sick. Mark 16:17-18 “Those who believe they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover”. Acts 19 verse 11 “And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul” The Apostle Paul was used to lay hands on the sick as Jesus did.

My questions for those that admonish holisitc healing as being demonic is simply this:

WHY are people healing and improving their quality of life when receiving this and other energetic therapies? The devil does not want healing and in truth; only love heals. Are the people that have experienced the miracle of healing through God using a holistic practitioner thanking the devil? Would a demon do that? Hey, the devil made me do it!; We had the compassionate desire to help someone feel better and God used us to help! God gives us unique gifts. Some people are teachers, healers, preachers, artists, musicians. craftsmen and many other amazing skills.

The mentality of “how dare you think you can help people, that is evil” is pure ignorance. In reality YOU have been given by God a divine nature that CAN heal. You are not powerless and not wrong to believe in your divinity.

When a practitioner, who has God (the KEY IS LOVE),in his or her heart, and has the intention to help a person, God uses the practitioner not unlike his disciples to help the person heal. This ONLY occurs when the patient is READY to accept healing, and the practtitoner KNOWS that he is not the ONE that is “healing”, that it comes from the Almighty above.


Reiki or Healing Touch is utilized in almost 800 hospitals in the United States of America including The Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, The Yale Cancer Clinic and many more.

Some hospitals offer Reiki training programs to staff due to the observations showing great benefit for patients.

Hospice programs for the terminal offer Reiki to help those with a comforting touch while they are passing out of the body. What a wonderful and living gift to be able to comfort those in times of need.

Scientific evidence that Reiki reduces stress, depression and aniexty. Many reliable studies show numerous benefits for

Reiki was discovered by a Japanese man Mikao Usui who was a convert to Christianity and simply had the desire to help people heal.

If you would like to learn more about self healing, or experience a healing session with Jeanne please visit our Contact page

Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024  All rights reserved.  No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.

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Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Weight Loss Drug Dangers

It seems that some people  believe that solving a challenge means expecting an  Instant fix by taking a magic pill. Unfortunately, putting profit over people, is the state of affairs with many medications.

It seems that some people  believe that solving a challenge means expecting an  Instant fix by taking a magic pill.

Unfortunately, putting profit over people, is the state of affairs with many medications.

Two  popular weight loss drugs Wegovy and Ozempic  cause more serious harm than good.

These drugs have venom from a reptile included in it's ingredients.

Novo Nordick the company that provides Wegovy, advises on it's product that It causes possible thyroid, tumors including cancer.

Studies on animals show that they get sick with thyroid cancer. Of course, this is in the tiniest print making it hard to notice.  This entices people that already are not happy with being overweight to jump at something harmful without researching first to discover the facts. And to add to it, the commercials showing how very happy people are jumping up and down is misleading; that all you have to do is take this drug and all your problems will be solved!

Shockingly, the FDA has given the greenlight to market these drugs as helping your heart.  In reality, their implication is that   if you weigh less it is better for cardiovascular health.   It is interesting to note,  that many people; even teens have been diagnosed with Myocarditis due to another injection that is not at all  what drug companies  fed to the public.oal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

Here is a partial list of some documented side effects that REAL people have experienced when ingesting this injection:

1. Depression and suicide

2. Saggy skin, hollowed out appearance (Ozempic face), caused by the eating away of elastin in the skin

3. Vomiting and nausea even after being off of the drug for over a year

4. Inflammation of the Pancreas

5. Vision problems in people with type 2 diabetes

6. After stopping the drug, inability to digest food and finding it hard to swallow

7. Increased heart rate

8. Diarrhea or constipation

9. Flu like symptoms including runny nose and sore throat

10. Low blood sugar  

11. Increase risk of thyroid cancer

12. Stomach paralysis

A new weight loss drug put on the market in 2023 named Zepbound (Eli Lilly) just like  Wegovy and Ozempic cause the body to mimic a hormone called GLP-1 which in excess is believed to contribute to the horrific side effects.

Lose weight the healthy Way!  YOU are NOT STUCK!

Each individual has a different Body Chemistry and unique reasons why they may be struggling to shed forever the extra punds they carry.

The key is to discover what needs attention whether it is hydration, nutrition, toxins, trauma, emotions or many other possible challenges.

The way that we do it here at Your Health Wizard is by utilizing Applied Kinesiology (Empower Me with Kinesiology®).  This way without guessing in a very accurate method, Jeanne, Your Health Wizard will be able to help you achieve your wellness goals. If you work with her as a partner in your own health your results will be safe, healthy, and you will see a major improvement  quickly; NOT instant however by listening to the body RESULTS OCCUR quickly.

There is  a life changing wellness course you can attend developed by Jeanne Ellis.     Empower Me with Kineisiology® (approved by NCCAOM and NCBTMB) where you will discover how to Muscle Test yourself, address your Digestive, Immune and Energetic heart complex to take CHARGE of your OWN HEALTH.

In conclusion:

Love yourself and know that you are a miraculous being created divinely by God.   Reclaim your sovereignty;  trust in the wisdom of your body's ability to heal.

If you would like to learn more with Jeanne please visit our Contact page

Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024  All rights reserved.  No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.


Register for Jeanne’s Module 1 Empower Me with Kinesiology CE Course for Massage Therapists, Acupuncture Technicians, and anyone interested in improving health naturally.

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Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Food Intolerances and Your Digestive System / Gluten Free Waffle Recipe included

Food intolerances are very common. When someone has an intolerance, they may not be aware of it right away. The reason is that there is a slower reaction time than when someone has an allergy. Allergies show symptoms immediately and can be severe. Conventional allergy tests, are often not accurate. I personally was told I have no allergies according to the test which is untrue and have had several clients with faulty information.

Food intolerances are very common. When someone has an intolerance, they may not be aware of it right away. The reason is that there is a slower reaction time than when someone has an allergy. Allergies show symptoms immediately and can be severe. Conventional allergy tests, are often not accurate. I personally was told I have no allergies according to the test which is untrue and have had several clients with faulty information.

I have utilized Applied Kiniesiology for many years accurately, to discover the intolerances people have, and find the holistic solution. Knowing what your body is intolerant of, will lead to much greater health.

I will focus on the Digestive system, however, all systems of the body can be compromised. Many people are diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, Irritable Bowels Syndrome (IBS). They are given medications that do not heal the situation and cause side effects. However, in my practice; numerous people with these diagnosis have eliminated these challenging issues by discovering what their body needs holistically. This may be intolerances, and include stress and emotions.

One of the most common intolerance is Wheat The sticky nature of the substance gluten causes fecal matter to adhere to the intestines. Symptoms may include nausea, foggy thinking, constipation, diarrhea and even a sore throat. This is just a partial list.

If you have digestive issues this would be a great step and experience how you improve. Of course a complete session of Empower Me with Kinesiology® will allow you to address much more so you can enjoy a better quality life.

Here is my favorite gluten free homemade waffle recipe to enjoy.

*****BE aware that store bought gluten free products may have other horrific ingredients such as Sodium Pyro Phosphate which is toxic, can cause heart trouble, itching and severe allergy.

Roberts Gluten Free Waffles

Dry Ingredients

4 Cups of organic Millet flour

1 Cup of organic Almond flour

2 Tablespoons of Baking Powder

1/2 Tablespoon of Redmond sea salt

1 teaspoon of organic cinnamon

Wet Ingredients

4 not too ripe bananas (mashed)

4 cups of almond milk ( read ingredients with no added carrageen or sugar)

3/4 cup or coconut oil

4 organic or grass fed eggs

Mix dry ingredients, slowly add wet ingredients one by one until it is mixed well. Pour into waffle iron. Top with grass fed butter and Maple Syrup (healthy one with only the syrup no additives).



If you would like to experience an Applied Kinesiology Session with Jeanne please visit our Contact page

Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024  All rights reserved.  No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.

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Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Your Amazing Immune System

You have been gifted with something powerful and amazing. It is your Immune system. It is powerful beyond belief. You can discover how to trust that it works and learn how to take good car of of it and it will keep you healthy and happy.

You have been gifted with something powerful and amazing. It is your Immune system. It is powerful beyond belief. You can discover how to trust that it works and learn how to take good car of of it and it will keep you healthy and happy.

People have been fooled into thinking that are powerless. This is not the case. If you cut your finger, the body automatically starts a process to heal itself.

Due to emotions including stress and toxins in foods and the environment the body becomes distressed and does not function optimally.

Germ versus Terrain Theory

Western Medicine has been focusing on the “germ theory” for over 150 years. At first people had the idea that a cold was “caught” by going out in cold air without a jacket. A man named Louis Pasteur demonstrated that micro-organisms in the environment cause disease.

The “Terrain Theory” or Cellular Theory believes that pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites cannot affect the condition of the Body/Mind unless it allows it. Unfortunately, the emphasis has been on killing pathogens instead of strengthening I supporting your own internal environment.

The Terrain Theory places emphasis on the fact that we can empower ourselves and improve our health and prevent many unnecessary health challenges from ever manifesting.

Several Immune Suppressors

  • Stress, fear, anxiety/ not being in touch with emotions

  • Poor nutrition (toxins) and vitamin and mineral deficiencies

  • Lack of sleep * Dehydration

  • Suppressing lymph/ clothing and lack of lymph excercise

  • Pharmaceuticals including Antibiotics and vaccines

  • Smoking and alcohol

A Few of my favorite Immune Boosters

  • Astragalus

  • Beta Glucan

  • Vitamin C, D3, zinc

  • NAC (N-Acetyl Cystine; precursor of Glutathione

  • Organic essential oils: thyme and black cumin

  • Jumping on a mini trampoline and skin brushing

  • Making sure to have time to activities that inspire you and create joy for yourself and others

  • Empower Me with Kinesiology® Immune system protocol

To enhance skills and knowledge about keeping strong, happy and healthy; I invite you to join us in learning Empower Me with Kinesiology®.

Everyone can learn how to utilize this in a safe, gentle, effective way. This allows you to become empowered when you take charge of your own health.

Contact Jeanne (developer of EMWK) for a complimentary consultation for either a healing session or class information

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Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Tips to Balance  Blood Sugar and Weight 

An important nutrient to add to your diet is Resistant starch. Resistant starch is simply starch that passes through the small intestine without being digested. It goes to your large intestine and feeds your healthy gut bacteria. This fermented fiber is associated with greater mineral absorption. Here’s what you need to know…

An important nutrient to add to your diet is Resistant starch.

Resistant starch is simply starch that passes through the small intestine without being digested.  It goes to your large intestine and feeds your healthy gut bacteria.  This fermented fiber is associated with greater mineral absorption.

The higher the resistant starch content in food, the fewer the calories.

It also increases the feeling of being satisfied and reduces the appetite.

Research shows that adding resistant starch to your nutrition plan can improve your Body’s responsiveness to insulin.  It also lowers blood sugar after meals.  Even if you have resistant starch for breakfast; it will lower your blood sugar after lunch.

Recent  studies found that consuming 15-30 grams of resistant starch per day; showed a 33-56% improvement after just 4 weeks.

It is a superfood for your digestive system! 

It aids in helping inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Here is a list of some ways to add to your diet:

  • Peas

  • Lentils

  • White Beans

  • Green bananas

  • Plantains

  • Uncooked oats

  • Brown and white rice, potatoes, oatmeal, that has been cooked, cooled, and then re-heated.  Additionally, I always soak my grains before cooking making them more digestible.

Along with this you must drink lots of (non- tap) filtered water as well and keep your diet free from processed foods, corn syrup and chemicals.

One way that I enjoy adding Resistant starch to my diet is with green plantain.

Here is my recipe below;

1.Look for the  greenest plantains you can find (more resistant starch) 

2. Slice in pieces and sauté in  small amount of organic avocado oil.

3. Generously sprinkle organic cinnamon and a small amount of nutmeg, and organic coconut sugar on top.

4. Next drizzle a little bit of organic maple syrup on top


Another thing you can do if you have a dehydrator; you can make plantain chips!  All kinds of different spices can be added for flavor. A few are rosemary, cinnamon, fennel.

A big thank you to Dr. Robert (Dad) for teaching me about how important resistant starch is!

Now I can pass it along to you!

If you want to learn more, come join us at the next  Empower Me with Kinesiology® Module 1 which has powerful treatments that  address the Digestive, Immune, and Energetic Heart Complex or please visit our Contact page

Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024  All rights reserved.  No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.

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Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Your Gut Health and Aging

Start NOW! Make a choice to take charge of your own health, regardless of your age, or the challenging condition that you may be currently experiencing. Your body has an unlimited ability to heal. There are numerous ways to Empower yourself.

Start NOW! Make a choice to take charge of your own health, regardless of your age or the challenging condition that you may be currently experiencing.

Your body has an unlimited ability to heal.  There are numerous ways to Empower yourself.

The first step is to realize that your body is miraculous and has all of the information that it needs to be at its best.  Stress, emotions, poor nutrition, and toxins in the environment cause the body to manifest physical symptoms.  

 Even though solid research is documented with amazing results, you may not have heard about numerous natural; no side effects answers to your health challenges.  By utilizing Empower Me with Kinesiology® as well as a self-care protocol that is unique for you.  In the first module, we learn treatments for the Digestive, Immune, and Energetic Heart Complex.

When you have an abundance of good gut bacteria: it makes a profound difference in staying healthy, as well as looking and feeling your best. The diversity of helpful prebiotics and probiotics will allow a person to be able to produce and absorb the many helpful nutrients that have an anti-aging result.

Here is an important anti-aging secret. It is called Urolithans. Urolithans are microbial metabolites that are derived from ellagic acid by intestinal bacteria.  

Research has shown the potential beneficial effects of Urolithan A concerning several types of cancer. Studies also show it improves muscular health.  It is also fantastic for Cardiovascular health.

Foods that contain Urolithan A are:

  • Pomegranates; especially the peel

  • Strawberries

  • Blackberries

  • Came Camu’

  • Walnuts, pecans, chestnuts, & pistachios

  • Brewed tea

There are also supplements such as Pomegranate powder and others.  The research is solid about the huge benefits for the entire body, and some brand names have skyrocketed the cost of this superfood.   If purchasing pomegranate powder, look for one that includes the peel. Be a smart consumer who researches to make sure it is extracted using Co2, not toxic Hexene.  

You can make your own by dehydrating the peel and then turning it into a powder.  Yes, it takes some patience and time; however, you will reap great rewards health-wise.

A fun thing to do if you enjoy watching things grow is to start propagating your own pomegranate tree.  You must take the fruit and remove all of the pulp to uncover the little seed that is underneath.

You soak them in water overnight then plant them the next day.  They must stay warm and be squirted to keep them moist.

If you want to learn more about how to have the best quality of life by being healthy, then check out Empower Me with Kinesiology® or please visit our Contact page.  The manuals and techniques within this course will be a lifelong safe, and effective way to Empower yourself.

Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024  All rights reserved.  No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.

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Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard Jeanne Ellis - Your Health & CE Wizard

Treat Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally

If Fibromyalgia pain has been keeping you from living your life with joy and stopping you from doing the things you love, then I encourage you to continue reading.

If Fibromyalgia pain has been keeping you from living your life with joy and stopping you from doing the things you love, then I encourage you to continue reading.


You are no longer a victim of this frustrating situation. A natural way to freedom is here. Eighty percent of people with this challenge are women. Many times, blood tests will appear normal; however, the symptoms are very real.


Stop Suffering from Fibromyalgia with this Long Lasting Natural Solution

Those suffering from Fibromyalgia typically have some sort of an event that triggers the body to manifest the physical symptoms. Some of these may be a shock or trauma, accident or injury, relationship challenges, and life stresses and emotions that have not been processed in the body.


When a person has an ongoing "fight or flight" stress response, it will affect the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenals and can cause fatigue and many other frustrating symptoms.

Oftentimes, a poor healing response occurs because of not enough sleep and many other challenges, including chronic neck and back pain that seems to return time and time again. Other things that contribute can be toxins in our food and environment.


Because the body is so amazing and everything is connected instead of just being parts, the body becomes short-circuited and not functioning or communicating at its best.  

Most importantly, every person is unique, and the treatments for Fibromyalgia symptoms need to be specific for each unique person.

Here at Your Health Wizard in Albuquerque, Jeanne uses a proven modality for Fibromyalgia therapy that includes Muscle Reflex Testing to dialog with the subconscious mind to discover and then harmonize whatever is manifesting the symptoms. This is safe, gentle, and works quickly to address the energetic body on all levels.


With this system of therapy for Fibromyalgia, the endocrine system, body chemistry, nervous system, emotions, intolerances, meridians, and so much more can be harmonized to eliminate the disease.

Don't waste another minute of your precious life, and start to love the life you are living for yourself and those around you!

Jeanne with Your Health Wizard in Albuquerque provides all-natural therapy for Fibromyalgia in New Mexico.

If you would like to experience and Applied Kinesiology Session with Jeanne please visit our Contact page

Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024  All rights reserved.  No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.

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