Your Health Wizard Blog
It seems that some people believe that solving a challenge means expecting an Instant fix by taking a magic pill. Unfortunately, putting profit over people, is the state of affairs with many medications.
Food intolerances are very common. When someone has an intolerance, they may not be aware of it right away. The reason is that there is a slower reaction time than when someone has an allergy. Allergies show symptoms immediately and can be severe. Conventional allergy tests, are often not accurate. I personally was told I have no allergies according to the test which is untrue and have had several clients with faulty information.
You have been gifted with something powerful and amazing. It is your Immune system. It is powerful beyond belief. You can discover how to trust that it works and learn how to take good car of of it and it will keep you healthy and happy.
An important nutrient to add to your diet is Resistant starch. Resistant starch is simply starch that passes through the small intestine without being digested. It goes to your large intestine and feeds your healthy gut bacteria. This fermented fiber is associated with greater mineral absorption. Here’s what you need to know…
Start NOW! Make a choice to take charge of your own health, regardless of your age, or the challenging condition that you may be currently experiencing. Your body has an unlimited ability to heal. There are numerous ways to Empower yourself.
If Fibromyalgia pain has been keeping you from living your life with joy and stopping you from doing the things you love, then I encourage you to continue reading.
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I was compelled to write this article due to a certain confusion brought to my attention about what Reiki and other holistic treatments really are.
Reiki is not witchcraft, nor as some religious groups have tried to classify Reiki and other healing modalities as channeling demonic energy.
I myself, as a Christian Holistic Practitioner have been able to help many people with serious health issues over the course of 30 years. Most ortunity to follow more closely the teachings of Jesus healing the sick. Mark 16:17-18 “Those who believe they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover”. Acts 19 verse 11 “And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul” The Apostle Paul was used to lay hands on the sick as Jesus did.