Weight Loss Drug Dangers
It seems that some people believe that solving a challenge means expecting an Instant fix by taking a magic pill.
Unfortunately, putting profit over people, is the state of affairs with many medications.
Two popular weight loss drugs Wegovy and Ozempic cause more serious harm than good.
These drugs have venom from a reptile included in it's ingredients.
Novo Nordick the company that provides Wegovy, advises on it's product that It causes possible thyroid, tumors including cancer.
Studies on animals show that they get sick with thyroid cancer. Of course, this is in the tiniest print making it hard to notice. This entices people that already are not happy with being overweight to jump at something harmful without researching first to discover the facts. And to add to it, the commercials showing how very happy people are jumping up and down is misleading; that all you have to do is take this drug and all your problems will be solved!
Shockingly, the FDA has given the greenlight to market these drugs as helping your heart. In reality, their implication is that if you weigh less it is better for cardiovascular health. It is interesting to note, that many people; even teens have been diagnosed with Myocarditis due to another injection that is not at all what drug companies fed to the public.oal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
Here is a partial list of some documented side effects that REAL people have experienced when ingesting this injection:
1. Depression and suicide
2. Saggy skin, hollowed out appearance (Ozempic face), caused by the eating away of elastin in the skin
3. Vomiting and nausea even after being off of the drug for over a year
4. Inflammation of the Pancreas
5. Vision problems in people with type 2 diabetes
6. After stopping the drug, inability to digest food and finding it hard to swallow
7. Increased heart rate
8. Diarrhea or constipation
9. Flu like symptoms including runny nose and sore throat
10. Low blood sugar
11. Increase risk of thyroid cancer
12. Stomach paralysis
A new weight loss drug put on the market in 2023 named Zepbound (Eli Lilly) just like Wegovy and Ozempic cause the body to mimic a hormone called GLP-1 which in excess is believed to contribute to the horrific side effects.
Lose weight the healthy Way! YOU are NOT STUCK!
Each individual has a different Body Chemistry and unique reasons why they may be struggling to shed forever the extra punds they carry.
The key is to discover what needs attention whether it is hydration, nutrition, toxins, trauma, emotions or many other possible challenges.
The way that we do it here at Your Health Wizard is by utilizing Applied Kinesiology (Empower Me with Kinesiology®). This way without guessing in a very accurate method, Jeanne, Your Health Wizard will be able to help you achieve your wellness goals. If you work with her as a partner in your own health your results will be safe, healthy, and you will see a major improvement quickly; NOT instant however by listening to the body RESULTS OCCUR quickly.
There is a life changing wellness course you can attend developed by Jeanne Ellis. Empower Me with Kineisiology® (approved by NCCAOM and NCBTMB) where you will discover how to Muscle Test yourself, address your Digestive, Immune and Energetic heart complex to take CHARGE of your OWN HEALTH.
In conclusion:
Love yourself and know that you are a miraculous being created divinely by God. Reclaim your sovereignty; trust in the wisdom of your body's ability to heal.
If you would like to learn more with Jeanne please visit our Contact page
Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024 All rights reserved. No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.
Register for Jeanne’s Module 1 Empower Me with Kinesiology CE Course for Massage Therapists, Acupuncture Technicians, and anyone interested in improving health naturally.