Testimonials from Wellness Workshop Participant
“Jeanne’s passion and compassion for her work and students is what I liked most about this course”
“Jeanne did a fabulous job teaching, demonstration, and organizing the class and was thorough in making sure that each student understood the material.”
“This course has far exceeded what I thought I would learn. Jeanne made me feel comfortable and capable and has excited me to all of the possibilities for myself and others”
”I liked practicing the techniques in class with the other students, them practicing on me and seeing the results right away” “Jeanne is a wonderful, dynamic, fun & knowledgeable teacher & I thoroughly enjoyed her teaching style”
“Loved everything, thank you!”
“I enjoyed the open discussion and the Instructor’s openness to questions”
“This course satisfied my personal and professional goals”
Client Testimonials
Dear Jeanne, I am writing you on the eve of my 51st birthday to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your help and guidance through the WORST year of my life – I made it! I was so looking forward to the big 5-0 as a celebration of a half-century of survival on this crazy planet, but it was not to be. Everything that could go wrong did, all at once, like a meteor shower raining terror on my soul. If it wasn’t for you and your treatments, it would have ended much worse. Your therapy pulled me out of a downward spiral of self-punishment and loathing. You unscrambled my brain so I could think… You taught me how to breathe and untied my soul to let in the healing light. You gave me the answers to questions that a year ago, had no answers. And you affirmed my belief that there is an intelligent life force on this planet and I wish to remain on terra firma, after all……. You have given me permission to live, to love, and to laugh again THAT is the REAL gift of my 50th year, and I did not know it until now. So I am writing to tell you this, and to give you permission to use my case to share with others that your healing treatments work so that others can be helped as you have helped me. I am reborn. And no amount of words can properly express that. Just know that your work is worthy, and you are also LOVED. Again, thank you from my heart and soul to yours.
Hi Jeanne, I want to thank you for my session a couple of weeks ago. I really appreciate the fact that it addressed very accurately some deep-seated emotions that sprang from a few disturbing circumstances in my early childhood. At age 2, my mother married a man who was not my biological father and much of my later years were severely affected by this very fact in various aspects of my life. In effect, one could say that it cut the grass from under my feet in one fell swoop. Although I adapted to the above in order to function in a seemingly normal manner, the blockages and unresolved emotions were a constant source of great stress. The irony is that my innate outgoing personality became laced with self-doubt. fear, & procrastination stemming from lack of self-esteem and frustration of not realizing my potential. The various physical manifestations I had up to the Technique session have greatly diminished i.e. teeth clenching at night, low energy, heavy legs. My digestive system functions much more smoothly and the spot on my lungs which needed clearing when lying down has also calmed down. I will say that generally speaking the issues relating to my childhood have lost a great deal of importance and emotional charge. I feel quite tranquil writing this to you and at peace with whatever happened in another time and place. Finally, I will say that just after the session I had a few days of emotional detox feeling very tired and a little down. all that is now a distant memory and I am grateful to you and the progress I have made in this department. Thank you so very much for your loving help and your expertise to help me do some much-needed house cleaning.
Dear Jeanne, I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with your BodyTalk System treatments. Since we began 3 months ago, after only 6-7 treatments, I am much improved in my overall physical condition. Allowing the body’s own energy systems to help heal and balance has allowed me more freedom of mobility than I have had in years: Also, I do not require any more arthritis medication to manage my condition. Much improved also are my bowels and most importantly by balance. I have several physical maladies at my age, and your treatments have improved the little aches and pins more than conventional medicines and treatments ever could. I feel better, and my loved ones have told me I seem happier and have more energy than I have had in months. I look forward to continuing our visits and even more improvements. Please continue your good work and I would be very happy to recommend your treatment methods to anyone else I know who needs physical and emotional healing and health.
P. Smith, MD FACR, Radiology Oncology
Dear Jeanne, This letter is to thank you for the NeuroMuscular therapy and essential oil therapy which you have used in treating my long-standing scoliosis. I have had scoliosis of the lumbar spine that dates to my time in the Air Force as a Medical Officer in 1970. I have a 10 percent disability from the Veteran’s Administration. Scoliosis and back pain associated with it first appeared during a long stint in an Air Force emergency Room. Over the past 20 years, I have had a number of therapies including orthopedic consultations, physical therapy with ultrasound. orthotics and shoe lifts in an effort to relieve the recurring back pain. About fifteen years ago. therapeutic massage was added to the regimen. Relaxation of the muscles and spasm with massage worked as well any of the other therapies that had been offered. and often was better. In recent years, NeuroMuscular massage seemed to offer longer pain-free intervals, and when I learned of you at the Center. I sought you out for help with the current episode of pain and rotation of the spine in relationship to the bony pelvis. The first series of three sessions significantly reduced the pain and corrected the rotatory scoliosis. You and I began a second series of three sessions with the addition of a combination of essential oils which you called raindrop therapy applied to the skin overlying the involved muscular tissue. The pain and rotation of the spine has improved so well that I have not yet returned to have the third session in the series. When I lie on my back, both shoulders and both hips are now flat in contact with the mattress. I want to thank you for your knowledge of anatomy, your ability to apply your training to the relief of my longstanding symptoms, and I look forward to your assistance in the future whenever muscle spasms and pain return.
Dear Jeanne, I feel so much better! I cannot believe that 3 weeks ago I was in incredible pain and now it has almost disappeared. the muscles around my hips hurt me so badly that I could barely sleep through the night. Now, I sleep soundly and comfortably. I cannot believe how lucky I am that I found you. On my first visit, you listened so intently to my description of my problems. Once you started to massage my body, I could tell that you knew exactly what you were doing. I knew that I was with a professional. You knew when to apply pressure and exactly how to cure my aches and pains. I felt better after my first massage. I felt GREAT after my third. I have used many massage therapists, and I can honestly say, that you are, by far, the most intuitive. I was thrilled that you are also a Reiki Master. I know that you did energy work around my ears. I am thankful that you have that knowledge. It only made the massage that much more effective. The pain around my ear has now subsided. Your style is open, loving, and comforting. It was so easy to talk to you about my physical problems. I knew that I could be honest. If I liked more pressure, you responded. If I wanted to fall asleep, we stopped talking. The atmosphere in your therapy room was so relaxing. When I left your office I know I could take on the day. I felt great and have continued to be pain-free. I am so happy that I found you. You have a very special healing touch. Susanna, Boca Raton, FL on 06/02/2015 Dear Jeanne, I want to thank you for all of the help you have given me. Since my boating accident on May 2nd, I have been in so much pain-my knee was shooting pain every time I extended it to a “straight” position. I did see a doctor about this condition and he provided no treatment resulting in alleviation of pain or improved mobility. I was in pain every day for three months- limping from the pain and lack of mobility-until our visits! After our first session together I experienced a tingling sensation in my leg and knee-followed by enhanced mobility and reduction in pain the next morning! I was able to walk a little more normally after our first session. After our second session which included Reiki, I woke up the next morning with no pain and 100 percent mobility in my knee! Additionally, I felt that I had more energy and felt much less stressed! I want you to know that these are benefits that have lasted and not diminished in in any way since our last visit! Because of all you have done for me- I am now exercising and able to take my doge to the pond on the weekends!!! I want to thank you so so very much for all you have done for me, you have given the part of my life back- and I owe you a sincere thank you!!!!!