Tips to Balance Blood Sugar and Weight
An important nutrient to add to your diet is Resistant starch.
Resistant starch is simply starch that passes through the small intestine without being digested. It goes to your large intestine and feeds your healthy gut bacteria. This fermented fiber is associated with greater mineral absorption.
The higher the resistant starch content in food, the fewer the calories.
It also increases the feeling of being satisfied and reduces the appetite.
Research shows that adding resistant starch to your nutrition plan can improve your Body’s responsiveness to insulin. It also lowers blood sugar after meals. Even if you have resistant starch for breakfast; it will lower your blood sugar after lunch.
Recent studies found that consuming 15-30 grams of resistant starch per day; showed a 33-56% improvement after just 4 weeks.
It is a superfood for your digestive system!
It aids in helping inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Here is a list of some ways to add to your diet:
White Beans
Green bananas
Uncooked oats
Brown and white rice, potatoes, oatmeal, that has been cooked, cooled, and then re-heated. Additionally, I always soak my grains before cooking making them more digestible.
Along with this you must drink lots of (non- tap) filtered water as well and keep your diet free from processed foods, corn syrup and chemicals.
One way that I enjoy adding Resistant starch to my diet is with green plantain.
Here is my recipe below;
1.Look for the greenest plantains you can find (more resistant starch)
2. Slice in pieces and sauté in small amount of organic avocado oil.
3. Generously sprinkle organic cinnamon and a small amount of nutmeg, and organic coconut sugar on top.
4. Next drizzle a little bit of organic maple syrup on top
Another thing you can do if you have a dehydrator; you can make plantain chips! All kinds of different spices can be added for flavor. A few are rosemary, cinnamon, fennel.
A big thank you to Dr. Robert (Dad) for teaching me about how important resistant starch is!
Now I can pass it along to you!
If you want to learn more, come join us at the next Empower Me with Kinesiology® Module 1 which has powerful treatments that address the Digestive, Immune, and Energetic Heart Complex or please visit our Contact page.
Copyright Jeanne Ellis 2024 All rights reserved. No copy or derivative work may be produced, obtained or used without the author's expressed permission.