Your Amazing Immune System
You have been gifted with something powerful and amazing. It is your Immune system. It is powerful beyond belief. You can discover how to trust that it works and learn how to take good car of of it and it will keep you healthy and happy.
People have been fooled into thinking that are powerless. This is not the case. If you cut your finger, the body automatically starts a process to heal itself.
Due to emotions including stress and toxins in foods and the environment the body becomes distressed and does not function optimally.
Germ versus Terrain Theory
Western Medicine has been focusing on the “germ theory” for over 150 years. At first people had the idea that a cold was “caught” by going out in cold air without a jacket. A man named Louis Pasteur demonstrated that micro-organisms in the environment cause disease.
The “Terrain Theory” or Cellular Theory believes that pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites cannot affect the condition of the Body/Mind unless it allows it. Unfortunately, the emphasis has been on killing pathogens instead of strengthening I supporting your own internal environment.
The Terrain Theory places emphasis on the fact that we can empower ourselves and improve our health and prevent many unnecessary health challenges from ever manifesting.
Several Immune Suppressors
Stress, fear, anxiety/ not being in touch with emotions
Poor nutrition (toxins) and vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Lack of sleep * Dehydration
Suppressing lymph/ clothing and lack of lymph excercise
Pharmaceuticals including Antibiotics and vaccines
Smoking and alcohol
A Few of my favorite Immune Boosters
Beta Glucan
Vitamin C, D3, zinc
NAC (N-Acetyl Cystine; precursor of Glutathione
Organic essential oils: thyme and black cumin
Jumping on a mini trampoline and skin brushing
Making sure to have time to activities that inspire you and create joy for yourself and others
Empower Me with Kinesiology® Immune system protocol
To enhance skills and knowledge about keeping strong, happy and healthy; I invite you to join us in learning Empower Me with Kinesiology®.
Everyone can learn how to utilize this in a safe, gentle, effective way. This allows you to become empowered when you take charge of your own health.
Contact Jeanne (developer of EMWK) for a complimentary consultation for either a healing session or class information